Finally, i hope this is not my last post and i hope i'll be post further, regardless of the subject.

But now i wanna share with you top-5 blogs in my opinion. I chose between my groupmates' blogs.

So, number 1 in my opinion is Ann's blog!

I like that Anya used pastel colors in the blog, I like the design and layout of the blog. Also the posts are very informative and easy to read.

Number 2 for me is Dasha's blog. I like the way she transferred her style to the blog. If you know Dasha personally, and also quite well, you know what i mean!

Number 3, that i want to highlight is blog of Marina. I like the design, it is quite pink. I like pink.

Number 4 is blog of Kostya. When I first visited his blog, I liked that it is for children and very colorful.

And the last but not the least. As number 5 i can mention blog of Ksenia. It's appealing and light.
