Hi there! Today i'm going to tell you about MOOC.

MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Courses. Although there has been access to free online courses on the Internet for years, the quality and quantity of courses has changed. Access to free courses has allowed students to obtain a level of education that many only could dream of in the past. This has changed the face of education.

For those who desire a free education and have the motivation, the following includes the: Top 10 Sites for Information about MOOCs:
  • Udemy Free Courses
  • ITunesU Free Courses
  • Stanford Free Courses
  • UC Berkeley Free Courses
  • MIT Free Courses
  • Duke Free Courses
  • Harvard Free Courses
  • UCLA Free Courses
  • Yale Free Courses
  • Carnegie Mellon Free Courses
Now, we are starting to see the MOOC product move into both the corporate and the private realm. Companies like Google and Tenaris are using MOOCs for training their employees, MongoDB is educating developers through the MOOC medium and thousands of private instructors are teaching classes on sites like Udemy.

If you are considering a MOOC for yourself or your organization, you’ll first need to determine which tool you will use to build the course. The following is an assessment of five popular free MOOC (and MOOC-like) platforms.

As for me, i used only one of the list - Moodle. I used it for my studying.

Moodle is an open-source learning management system (LMS) that allows users to build and offer online courses. It was built for traditional online classrooms rather than MOOCs, which attract a large number of students. It tends to be easier to install than edX, and there are hosted or one-click install options available.

Moodle is suited for organizations that want a full-featured, customizable LMS. The platform offers more than edX in terms of educational tools, analytics and SCORM compliance. The trade-off is that the platform is over 10 years old. The number of configuration options can be daunting, and system performance suffers with larger numbers of students.


Their Mission is To promote OPENNESS, INNOVATION, and EXPERIMENTATION in education by providing educators access to professional development courses and programs that will help them thrive and succeed in their careers.

To Canvas Network ‘open’ means:
  • Open entry and open access. Open entry for learners around the globe and continual access to course content after the course end date.
  • Open content. Open licensing options and content sharing to Canvas Commons where other instructors reuse, revise, remix, retain, and redistribute content.
  • Open platform and ecosystem. Open platform to integrate and innovate with third-party tools.
  • Open data. Open, de-identified Canvas Network data for researchers to analyze and synthesize.
  • Platform neutrality. Your course. Your goals. Your way. We provide the platform for open innovation and experimentation.
